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tamoadmin 2024-10-15 人已围观

简介1.用英语写天气预报2.英语天气小报怎么画3.描写天气的英语作文询问天气的英语句型有以下几种:1. What‘s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?2. How‘s the weather looking today? 今天的天气看起来怎么样?3. Is it going to rain today? 今天会下雨吗?4. Will it be sunny today?






1. What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

2. How's the weather looking today? 今天的天气看起来怎么样?

3. Is it going to rain today? 今天会下雨吗?

4. Will it be sunny today? 今天会晴朗吗?

5. What's the forecast for today? 今天的天气预报是什么?

6. Are we expecting any storms today? 今天会有暴风雨吗?

7. Do I need an umbrella today? 今天需要带雨伞吗?

8. How hot or cold is it today? 今天有多热/冷?



The weather


Here is the weather for Beijing for the next two days. It will be cloudy and rainy in the evening tomorrow. The highest temperature will be 28 centigrade degrees and the lowest temperature will be 20 centigrade degrees. The day after tomorrow will be sunny. And the highest temperature will be 32 centigrade degrees and the lowest temperature will be 24 centigrade degrees. Thank you very much.


如: There are four seasons here in Beijing. It is windy and warm in spring. In summer it is hot and sometimes it rains heily. Autumn is the nicest season of the year. It's neither too cold nor too hot. It's cool and the sky is very blue. It's cold in winter. And sometimes the temperature can reach more than 10 minus centigrade degrees.


Good morning ! It's 7 o'clock. Here’s the weather report for some big cities in China.It is cloudy in Beijing,the highest temperature is 35 centidegrees and the lowest 25 centidegrees.In the northeast of China,Harbin, it is going to be rainy all day.Be sure to go out with your umbrellas.In Hong Kong there’s a beautiful sunshine.If you plan to trel there,the temperature is mild.The highest is 27 and the lowest 19 centidegrees.

That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening









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The weather symbol shown for each day in the five day forecast represents the predominant weather expected on the day in question. This is calculated based on a weighting of different types of weather, so if a day is forecast to be sunny with the possibility of a brief shower, then we will see a sunny or partly cloudy symbol rather than a rain cloud. The maximum temperature is the highest temperature forecast between 0600 and 1800, whereas the minimum temperature is the lowest temperature expected from 1800 on the day in question to 0600 the following day. The wind speed and direction are the expected conditions at midday.